CRÈME Phyto Cellulaire

This caressingly gentle, lightweight cream pampers the skin with a cocktail of the most precious active ingredients and leaves it with a revitalised and refreshed radiance. For smooth, restructured skin and an even complexion.


Opulent and yet caressingly gentle, their distinctive fragrance blend is irresistible, and they delight with the carefully chosen mix of the most precious active ingredients.

CRÈME PHYTO CELLULAIRE impresses with remarkable results and the sheer enjoyment of velvety-soft textures for every skin condition. Treat your skin to the perfect recuperation, renewal and radiance.


Enjoy the experience of perfectly prepared skin that, after our cleansing ritual with ESSENCE PHYTO CELLULAIRE, is ready for the pampering, velvety-soft texture of CRÈME PHYTO CELLULAIRE. Treat yourself to two pearl-sized portions of the cream, both at the start of the day and for your night’s rest, and pamper your face before you then generously treat your neck and d collet .

Before enjoying the cream, take a short rest with our QUARZ ROSE MASSAGE GUA SHA.

Then envelop your skin in a protective cocoon of ÈMULSION PROTECTRICE PHYTO CELLULAIRE for the day in order to protect it from harmful environmental and radiation influences.


Cell Conductor Complex®

Sorbet of the most precious beauty vitamins (A, B3, B5, E)

Energy Complex

Olive oil

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